Child Rights and Development

The UN Conventions says that:

  • All children have the right to a good education that is free at least up to the elementary level.
  • Schools should be places where children are respected and treated with dignity. Children should be able to develop their personality and talents.
  • All Children have the right to learn and use the language and customs of their family.
  • All children have the right to relax and play.
  • The government must protect children from work that is dangerous or prevents their development.

But do all children get these rights?

40 million children in India work as child laboureres,  never going to school and having no chance do develop.

Most children in India who do get a chance to go to school go to government-run schools which are often dirty, where they are not taught well, where don’t have books or toys or learning aid, and where they are not treated with respect. Only a very small percentage of children go to good schools where they are cared for and taught well. Are you one of the lucky ones?

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Filed under Child Development, Child Rights and Protection

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